Thursday, October 24, 2013

This Little Light of Mine

(I just ran across this journal entry from October of last year and I thought I'd share.)

This Little Light of Mine
October 29, 2012

Yesterday the boys and I went to church.  This may not sound monumental, but in reality it is quite significant.  It was our second week of attending church, ever.  A young girl named Grace sang a song she’d been working on to share with us.  The song is “This Little Light of Mine” by Addison Road.  Her song touched me, her song is still in my head and my heart and I want to keep it there forever.
Throughout the day yesterday Dallas kept singing bits and pieces of it as we went through our everyday motions.  My heart melted each and every time I heard his sweet voice singing about his little light shining.  As a mother, this is my primary focus, my biggest responsibility, my life’s purpose.  How do I keep my children’s light shining, day after day, through the ups and the downs, through the teenage years, through heartbreaks, through disappointments through all of life’s challenges?  To take it one step further, how do I keep their light shining bright enough to shed that glow on the people they touch throughout their lives?

What does this “light” mean to me?  This light is happiness, love, strong, healthy relationships, contentment, appreciation, gratitude, wonder, positive thinking, having an open mind and an open heart, striving to be the best you and having a general understanding of what’s important in life.  It’s imperative that this light guide our words, our actions and our lives.  Like Dallas, we need to be singing this song and living it out loud, so our motions are always accompanied by our guiding light.



  1. Megan, I enjoy reading your blogs,,,, keep them coming. I think one day you should definitely write a book :-) you have great stories to tell and people can relate them to their own lives. It seems as though you have such a positive attitude even in the difficult times and that's awesome.

  2. Hi Heather. Thank you for reading my blog - it really means a lot to me. Writing is definitely a release for me. I do try to be positive, sometimes I am successful, other times I'm not - but I can definitely say I do my best and that's all I can do. Have a great Thanksgiving! Not too long before your family gets a little bit bigger - enjoy!
